using the five elements to balance your life Feng Shui combines science with good design and common sense. Feng Shui does not include superstition or mysticism. It is not part of any religion. The Five Elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Metal, and Wood. Balance your home or office through a traditional Feng Shui reading.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Feng Shui in the School

Recently I was asked to take a look at a local school for a potential Feng Shui evaluation. Some of the parents believe that the building that holds the older children has "bad energy". This got me thinking about the effect of Feng Shui in the classroom.

A classroom with "bad Feng Shui" can have the following effects:
increase absents
trouble communicating with each other
arguing or fighting
inability to focus on tasks
general dislike of school

In general, our schools are showing the lack of energy we have been putting into them. It is my belief that increasing our focus on the space where our children spend on average 180 per year, will have a tremendous impact on every aspect of our society. Let's start with a little good Feng Shui.

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