using the five elements to balance your life Feng Shui combines science with good design and common sense. Feng Shui does not include superstition or mysticism. It is not part of any religion. The Five Elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Metal, and Wood. Balance your home or office through a traditional Feng Shui reading.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Facebook Feng Shui

I love Facebook. I was duped into joining during the election when a friend e-mailed me an article that I couldn't read without joining, so I thought, it's free, why not? I had heard about Facebook from my high school aged nieces and didn't know adults were on it. At first I was taken aback by all the old highschool friends that wanted to "friend" me. "I don't have time for this", then a friend explained that you don't have to send people messages all the time, just share what you want to. Now I'm hooked. What a great way to keep in touch with friends and family as well as sharing information that you find interesting and useful. So I have created a page for Asheville Feng Shui. My hope is that we can get some great conversations going on Feng Shui and share insights. Come visit my Facebook page and join the conversation.

1 comment:

Elizabeth J. Neal said...

With the use of Feng Shui "the World can be your oyster", pearls ripe for the harvest. feng shui singapore