using the five elements to balance your life Feng Shui combines science with good design and common sense. Feng Shui does not include superstition or mysticism. It is not part of any religion. The Five Elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Metal, and Wood. Balance your home or office through a traditional Feng Shui reading.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Too Much Noise is Bad Feng Shui

There has been much in the news of late on the effects of noise. From a Feng Shui too much perspectivenoise is an imbalance. Noise is Yang and too much of it throws the Yin/Yang balance of your environment out of order.

I believe we are all aware that loud sounds can damage our hearing but The Nutrition Health Review states that noise can have additional negative effects on the body beyond the ears. Noise must be considered a hazard to our overall health and well-being.

How do people react physiologically to unwanted sounds or noises? How do their bodies react to the large amount of energy the noise is directing at them? The body reacts with a stress response. Should these stress reactions be sustained over time because the noises continue, they can cause actual damage to the circulatory, cardiovascular, and gastrointestinal systems or, for that matter, any other vulnerable bodily system.

I also heard this very interesting report from NPR about how noisy restaurants keep many people from coming back. The reporter measured the decibel level at 86 in one restaurant he visits. 86dB is equivalent to a lawn mower or a truck in traffic. Not something that I would like to dine in. Although too little noise in a situation like that is not good either. People expect some energy from others when they eat out, just not in large doses. Restaurateurs need to walk a fine line or sound balance to make their dinning rooms comfortable.

How might noise effect work productivity? In the office, constant or intermittent unwanted noise is distracting, even uncomfortable. It affects concentration and, for many people, causes fatigue. Keeping your office quiet enough to hold concentration is a must for maximum productivity.

We need to be mindful of the noise of our environment. The object of feng shui is to make our living and working environments as supportive as possible. Is the noise around you doing that?

1 comment:

Realty Rider said...

Feng Shui as a science can affect the physical, mental, emotional and the spiritual level of an individual. If at the physical level, it relates to the changing in the placement of objects, it can help you achieve mental stability and progress emotionally. And once the emotional balance is created, one can evolve spiritually to the higher self. Experts highlighting the importance of Feng Shui also state that --Feng Shui as an art can help you progress but it can't change your destiny, unless you work hard to achieve it. Feng Shui is not just placement of articles in the house but it is also connected to your entire well-being.The Chinese exponents of Feng-Shui believe that where you live and how you allocate and arrange the elements of your home or workplace can significantly affect the harmony of your health, wealth, and happiness. Many of Feng Shui's precepts are based on sound practical sense, others seem to be merely a matter of convention, while for some people Feng Shui lies beyond any rational explanation.For more view-