using the five elements to balance your life Feng Shui combines science with good design and common sense. Feng Shui does not include superstition or mysticism. It is not part of any religion. The Five Elements: Water, Earth, Fire, Metal, and Wood. Balance your home or office through a traditional Feng Shui reading.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Here I go.

Welcome to the 21st century, I guess. I have never "BLOGGED" before or really even read a blog but a couple times. But my husband has encouraged me to write down the interesting things that happen as I practice Feng Shui. This will be a good way for people to see how the energy map shows me what is happening with in a person's life, to some extent. So here I go....

We are also reworking my web site. I love it. It is so much fun to change the look of everything. It is almost like rejuvenating the energy of your site as you would rejuvenate the energy of your home by rearranging things.

That's all for now...looking forward to my first insight.